Supervisory Board
The HOMAG Group AG Supervisory Board is equally weighted with six shareholder representatives and six employee representatives. Each Board Member contributes a considerable amount of specialist and industry knowledge, and each person is presented briefly below.
Shareholder representatives:
Gerhard Federer, Gengenbach, Germany
Chairman of the Supervisory Board | Independent consultant
Dietmar Heinrich, Marbach, Germany
Member of the board of Dürr AG, Stuttgart
Dr. Steffen Lorscheider, LL.M., Selm, Germany
Lawyer and notary public; partner in the law firm Spieker & Jaeger, Dortmund
Dr. Anja Schuler, Zurich, Switzerland
Specialist FMH for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Dr. Hans Schumacher, Schönaich, Germany
Independent consultant
Dr. Jochen Weyrauch, Stuttgart, Germany
Member of the board of Dürr AG, Stuttgart
Employee representatives:
Dorothee Diehm, Baiersbronn
First Representative of IG Metall Freudenstadt, Freudenstadt
Carmen Hettich-Günther, Rottenburg, Germany
Chairwoman of the Works Council at Homag GmbH, Schopfloch and Group Works Council Chairwoman at Homag Group AG
Ernst Esslinger, Alpirsbach, Germany
Director of Methods/Tools at Homag GmbH, Schopfloch
Armin Auer, Herrenberg, Germany
Chairman of the Works Council at HOMAG Plattenaufteiltechnik GmbH, Calw- Holzbronn
Martina Herold, Herzebrock, Germany
Chairwoman of the Works Council at HOMAG Bohrsysteme GmbH, Herzebrock-Clarholz
Thorben Albrecht, Berlin
Labor Union Secretary of the IG Metall Berlin, Berlin