机器人机械工程师 Robot Mechanical Engineer

1. 准备机器人应用工站方案

Preparing the proposal for robot application station.

2. 机械设计

Mechanical design.

3. 机器人工站仿真

Robot station simulation.

4. 机械部分的成本计算

Cost calculation in mechanical part.

5. 与采购团队合作跟进零件采购进度

Machining part flow and check with purchase team.

6. 与销售团队合作为客户提供技术支持

Supporting APM in customer’s company.

7. 领带交代的其他工作

The other missions divided by leader.

1. 五年自动化行业工作经验,至少三年机器人相关的方案及设计

Five years or above working experience in automation. At least three years working experience in robot station proposal and design.

2. 熟悉工业机器人

Familiar with industrial robots.

3. 熟悉工站的节拍计算和布局

Familiar the calculation of cycle time and the layout of station.

4. 熟悉搬运、包装、堆垛和进料等机器人应用的方案及设计

Familiar the proposal and design of robot application, handling, packing, stacking and feeding etc.

5. 英语熟练,会德语优先

Good English skill, good German is preferred.




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